A Day Trip to Malampuzha Dam: Adventures with Friends

By Usman

On July 30, 2022, my friends Pradeesh, Joshi, and I embarked on an exciting one-day trip to Malampuzha in Palakkad. This picturesque destination, known for its stunning dam and lush surroundings, promised a day of adventure, relaxation, and great company. We were all looking forward to exploring the beauty of Malampuzha and making the most of our time together.

The Journey to Malampuzha

We started our journey early in the morning, eager to experience the scenic beauty and the serene environment of Malampuzha. The drive was enjoyable, with the lush greenery of Kerala providing a perfect backdrop. Conversations flowed easily, filled with laughter and excitement about the day’s plans.

Arrival and First Impressions

Upon reaching Malampuzha, we headed to the backside of the dam, a less crowded area that offered a peaceful setting. The sight of the massive dam and the expansive river was truly awe-inspiring. We took a moment to soak in the view and appreciate the engineering marvel before us.

Tea, Snacks, and Delicious Food

Feeling a bit hungry after the drive, we decided to have some tea and snacks. We found a cozy spot and enjoyed the warm tea and crispy snacks, which were the perfect start to our day. For lunch, we indulged in some local delicacies – fried fish and tapioca. The combination was delicious and satisfying, adding a delightful culinary experience to our trip.

Exploring the Dam and River

After our hearty meal, we spent some time exploring the dam and the river. The sheer size of the dam and the beauty of the flowing river were captivating. We took numerous photos, trying to capture the essence of the place and the fun we were having. The cool breeze and the sound of the water added to the serene atmosphere.

Refreshing Drinks and Relaxation

As the day grew warmer, we took a break to enjoy some refreshing drinks. Sitting by the river, sipping our drinks, and chatting about life and our experiences was a perfect way to relax. The tranquil environment of Malampuzha provided a much-needed escape from our routine, allowing us to unwind and enjoy the moment.

Fun at the Grassland

Adjacent to the dam was a beautiful grassland that beckoned us. We spent some time here, walking around and enjoying the open space. The lush green grass and the clear blue sky created a picturesque setting. We even played some impromptu games, laughing and having fun like carefree kids.

A Day to Remember

As the day came to an end, we reluctantly made our way back home. The trip to Malampuzha had been a fantastic experience, filled with natural beauty, delicious food, and great camaraderie. Pradeesh, Joshi, and I returned home with our hearts full of joy and our minds refreshed, grateful for the wonderful memories we had created together.

Final Thoughts

Malampuzha Dam in Palakkad is a perfect destination for a day trip with friends, offering a blend of scenic beauty, relaxing spots, and enjoyable activities. Our visit to this beautiful location was a memorable one, providing us with cherished memories and a renewed appreciation for nature and friendship.

Until our next adventure,

Note: The images are copyright protected.


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